
     While I was tempted to write something a little momentous (goodness knows the world is serious and fixing to get seriouser*), I opted instead to stay on the silly side for at least another post.

"Does that mean he'll leave me alone, Master?"

    I'm sure that, as we in the United States lurch towards civil war, I'll have a chance to eventually indulge in some hard-hitting** journalism.

It is a target-rich environment, after all.

    But, even in this silly bit of nonsense, I'll inject a serious dig.  See if you can spot it.

    As some of you may know. I am a Monetary Exchange Specialist*** at Ace Hardware.  Mostly because I wanted something to do while on retirement.

Actually, it's also a rich source of comedic material. 
NOTE:  Picture for entertainment use only.  I have not become black.  Nor grown breasts. 
But, what if I had? 

"I know, right?  People can be such haters.  Although, I'm not black.  Nor have breasts.  But, still."

    Anyway, besides nuts, bolts, toilet plungers, fake owls, lawnmowers, Goo Gone, and gardening equipment, we sell Chuckles candies.
    Since most of the employees are collecting Social Security, we know what those candies are.  However, a couple of our younger customers (and, by "couple," I mean two.  We cater to the senior set) have no clue what they are.
    So, for their benefit (and to fill a post on Blogger), may I present...

    Chuckles are fruit-flavored jelly candies lightly coated in sugar.  They come in five different colors/flavors: Lime, Cherry, Trump, Lemon, and Licorice****.

"They're a delightful melange of sugary, fruity goo!  They're delicious!"

    Chuckles, believe it or not,, have been around for quite some time.  Although not nearly as long in the tooth as the godawful Necco Wafers (1847), it was first marketed in 1921 by Fred W. Amend in Danville, Illinois.
    The fruity confectionary was sold to Nabisco in 1970 after Fred died*****.  After that, Chuckles was passed around like a pack of smokes in the joint.
"Tell me about it.  Eat fresh."

    In 1986, it was bought by Leaf.

Nope.  Never heard of them, either.

    Then, in 1996, all of Leaf's properties, and a future draft pick, were sold to Hershey.

    Hershey realized that Chuckles weren't chocolate, after all, and sub-leased Chuckles to Farleys and Sathers (whoever they are) in 2002.  They later merged with Ferrara Pan in 2012.  Who apparently owns them to this day.

    But, the Chuckles trademark is owned by Iconic IP Interests, LLC.

NOTE:  Chuckles sponsored Evel Knievel from 1974 to 1975.  Although that really has nothing to do with this post, I thought I should mention it.

    So, I basically have no idea what's what.  I'd look at the wrapper of one of them to find out, but a busload of senior citizens swarmed Ace last week and bought every single last one of the fruity slice candy.

   Thankfully, a riot was averted when we told them we didn't sell Necco.  
"I caught it.  Did you, JD?"

*Not a real word.  I think.

**At least when you’re talking about me.


****Which we hated as kids.  They were only good for chewing into little black balls and flinging them at the screen during the "Shakiest Gun In the West" and "Ghost and Mr. Chicken" double feature at the Hi-Way Cinema

****I don't know that.  It just seemed logical.  Especially since I didn't want to go to Duck, Duck, Go to find out.


  1. Outside of the cherry, the flavors sound awful.

  2. This post was an amusing mix of lighthearted humor with some playful jabs at current events and the quirks of working retail. Your knack for blending random trivia about Chuckles candy with witty commentary is both entertaining and clever. I especially liked the sarcastic footnotes and the little asides, like the dig about not being black or growing breasts—those moments really capture a fun, offbeat sense of humor. It’s always refreshing to read something that doesn’t take itself too seriously, even while hinting at more serious undertones.

    Invited to read my new style post:(

    1. Thank you. I will certainly give you a look. Snarky bits tossed among my posts are pretty much what I do. While I do write about serious things, I much prefer posts like these. No matter what I write, though, I can't help peppering it with (hopefully) witty asides.

  3. This for me was one chuckle followed by a laugh followed by a shake of my head and then back to a chuckle, thanks for that

    1. I really can't wait for my store to restock the Chuckles.

  4. Replies
    1. Outstanding! I wonder how many people caught that!!!

  5. I suppose the Chuckles-Evel Knievel partnership makes sense. WTH, nah, not at all. My head hurts, Al.

    1. We have so much fun Chuckles. I asked my Assistant Manager to check when we can order more. She said they're out of stock in the Ace warehouse. Such a popular candy!


Politically Correct Christmas

I'm So Confused

     Yesterday, while working a shift as a Monetary Exchange Specialist,* a customer stepped up to purchase some sandpaper, caulk**, and wo...