History of the World-So Would It Kill You To Not Kill Us?

NOTE:  I'll continue to post this disclaimer.  The past several posts and who-knows-how-many-posts-to-come are merely what I can remember from the Penguin Academy of Our Lady of Barnum Avenue and History Class at Stratford High School while growing up older in Connecticut.  I will research some specifics, mostly dates and the most obscure of names, and I'll try to place historical events in their proper historical context.  Meaning, I won't have the Aztecs land on the moon.  Or...did they?  Trust me, some of this is true; however, don't use any of this nonsense to prepare for the History Advanced Placement Examination.  If you do, the only college you'll get into is Klown Kollege and you'll probably be confused for the Cardassians.  Or Joe Biden.  Especially if you sniff their hair.

I don't think this is right.

Ohhhhhhhhh, Kardashians.
That's better.
Or is it?

The Hebrews

A whole lotta smiting's been going on here for thousands of years.

    Believe it or not, I do some research when writing these things.  Not so much that I bog down into a scholarly dissertation of facts, but some.  After all, I don't want to bore you and, besides, enough histories of the world have been written already.  Besides, it would take a lot of work.  Work that I wouldn't get paid for.

    That being said, winging it is a lot more fun.

    Anyway, when I first sought to do this series, I went looking for a book from which I could draw certain facts as a resource.  Sure, this internet thingie can provide me with everything I need, but that would take a lot of effort.  Even though the internet never lies.

And does provide some disturbing images.

At any rate, I just like holding a book in my hands.

    When I'm not holding anything else.

    So, to Amazon I went in search of a history of the world.  The book I selected, titled "World History" (duh), looked promising.  It had many positive reviews with only a couple negatives.  Some of the cranky comments concerned the role that the Jews played in world history.  A couple reviewers complained that the book really gave very short shrift to the goings-on with the Hebrews, Israelites, Judeans…whatever.

    These comments are accurate. "World History" covers virtually none of the history of the "Chosen People."  There is one small paragraph which mentions that the religion of Abraham and Moses had a heavy influence on Christianity, but that's about it.

Wrong Abraham

Cecil B. DeMille Moses

NRA Moses

       I'm really not all that miffed about it, though.  Luckily, in my seven years
"And don't ye be thinking thaht
will be keeping ye out of Purgatory, boyo. 
Ye cheeky scamp."
as an inmate of the Penguin Academy (four of which I spent as an altar boy…yeah, huh?), I received an ample history of the people/religion which was the foundation on which Catholicism (and the heathen Protestant faiths) is based.

    So, I'm really going to write this without a net.  Sure, I could consult my Bible (we really didn't get into that book all that much at P.A., though) or delve into internet research.  But, like I commented above, what's the fun in that?

WARNING:  For those of you who really do know biblical history (e.g., Chris Martin), you will  definitely find inaccuracies here.  The challenge for you will be to spot the exaggerations and/or mistakes and wonder if they are genuine goofs.  Or whether I am genuinely goofing with the material.

    I'll never admit to any of it, though.

WARNING (Part Deux):  This will be the first post that may offend some of you.  Up to now, I've been ragging on Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Assyrians.  But, I'm really not worried about receiving a strongly-worded letter from Nineveh.  However, now I'm heading into territory which can be a bit touchy.  Mean-spirited offense is not intended, though.  Playful smartassery (may not be a real word) is.  Don't worry, I'll probably hack off someone else somewhere along the way.

    I won't poke fun of Hillary Clinton, though.  She's a wonderful
"Just keep an eye on him, though. 
I don't know, just read his f*cking blog to make sure."
lady who can never be accused of wishing harm on anyone, be they whistle-blower or pedophile.  I swear.

    Well, will you look at the time?  I spent this entire time warming up for the Hebrew post that I've run clear out of room.  So, I'll "go without a net" next week when I discuss…

Next time:  The Hebrews-So Would It Kill You Not To Kill Us? For real, trust me.


  1. I'll keep my "scholarly comments" down to this one: That book you got wouldn't be that massive, confusingly back-and-forth tome by Norman Davies, would it?

    1. Naw...it's by Phillip Parker. It's not bad, although it really isn't terribly detailed. It makes the Readers Digest look like the Encyclopedia Britannica. That's okay with me, though. I was looking for a book that presents little more than snippets of history. It does have quite a bit of Asian and Mesoamerican history, though. Doesn't really bother me. However, the almost complete omission of Jewish history does.

    2. You should do a post one day about Altar boy training. It would be fun to see if my experience (Learning to play the church organ, doritos as Eucharist hosts, races along the tops of the pews, etc) is anything like yours...

    3. That's a fantastic idea! Probably the next post.

  2. With all the violence throughout the centuries, the sea isn't the only thing that's dead.

  3. It could have been called the undead sea and then the whole place would be zombies. I am looking forward to all the offences you will be doing.

    1. I've actually floated in the Dead Sea. Let me tellya...salty! And we floated like Ivory bars of soap.
      No zombies, though.
      Which is good.

  4. Offend away. Sure is a more fun ride that way. Sounds like the book either was biased against some or just got a tad lazy.

    1. I think it was a tad biased against the Hebrews. Or maybe they really WEREN'T such a big deal...? I try to keep an open mind.

  5. Well, that was playing dirty pool. I was all set to be offended, and all I got was a lot of overture and no opera. Oh well, it was a good overture... You can offend my tender widdle feelings next week.

    1. Believe it or not, I try to keep these things kinda short. As I was explaining everything, I noticed that I would wind up with an overly verbose post. Best to break it up, I figured. Hope the wait is worth it!

  6. I've had posts like this. So much to say, and then you realize it's going on way too long.

  7. NRA Moses looks so great....

    Have a wonderful day

    # a crazy people is a tribe?

  8. I feel less Kosher after reading that. Hopefully the next post will fix me up.


Youthful Extortion

         I love Halloween.     Yes <<sigh>> I know, I know...it’s a holiday allegedly drenched in Satanic roots replete with a...