A Little Comic Relief

Well, at least I hope it's comic relief.  Anything to take our minds off the horrors in Europe and potential global nightmare should be welcome.  That is, unless you're addicted to agonies inflicted on innocent people.  In that case, go right on watching FOX, CNN, and MSNBC, even though there is precious little you can do except get upset.  Don't ignore, by any means.  But, don't constantly obsess, either.  

At any rate, what follows isn't my joke; it's a rehash of something I heard long ago.  Like looking at myself naked, it made me chuckle.  Hopefully, you'll do the same.  Not chuckle (and perhaps vomit) at naked pictures of me.  I mean the joke.


    At a local college one day (okay, I'm starting off with a fib.  Just go with it), a professor was giving an introductory lecture on Sex Ed, Mister Ed's rebellious brother.

"I got the brains, but he got the looks."

  The professor started off with, "How many of you have sex once a day?"

  A dozen or so raised their hands.

  Nodding, he then asked, "How about once a week?"

  Quite a few more raised their hands.

  "I see," he said as he bent to his notes.

  "Once a month?"

  A couple ones admitted to it.

  "Okay," he sighed.  "How about once a year?"

  In the back row, a young man leapt from his seat, waving both arms.  "Me, professor!  Me!!"

  A bit perplexed, the educator asked, "Did you understand the question?  I asked who had sex once a year."

  "I understand, I understand!!" a huge grin crossed his face.

  "Well, your excitement is quite puzzling.  Why are you so happy?"


     Now go ahead and watch a Seinfeld rerun or something, why don'tcha?


  1. Sounds like he's about to take his sex life in hand...

  2. Sounds like Sheldon and Amy from the Big Bang Theory.

  3. Replies
    1. This is one of those posts where a brain is not required.

  4. Ahh poor Mr. Sex Ed. You know he probably does have sex once per year between 10pm to 10:15pm. on clean sheets and don't mess them up!

  5. once a year?...
    luckily... hehehe... lol

  6. This made me giggle.


    1. I'm happy to hear that. We all could use a laugh nowadays.

  7. Ha - yes, that was corny but amusing

    1. Corny. It's what I do.
      Amusing. It's that to which I aspire.


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