The Beast Within

I am mightily depressed today.  Mind you, I've been in a bit of a funk for two years now.  A pandemic will do that, don't you know.  I'm reminded of something a great man once said.  Okay, it was me.  And I'm not great.  But, I AM a man.  A little one, mind you, but a man all the same.

Idealists view the world for how it should be.  Full of (and I am NOT being flippant here) sunshine, unicorns, and lollipops.  A world in which each man and each woman seeks only to better others before themselves.  For that will result in a beautiful world.  I so desperately wish it was so.  I honestly do.

But, it will never be.


Realists view the world for how it has been, how the world is now, and how the world shall always be.

For within each of us is a beast.  Which the vast majority have tamed.

Then there's Vladimir Putin.

And that depresses me.


  1. Because we are fallen creatures with sin, it will never be that perfect world. (Although as a Christian, I know one day it will be, but the world will go through hell to get to it first.)

    1. What gives me hope is that I truly believe there is something after this. My heart breaks for the suffering though.

  2. I knew this was coming because he is a former KGB operative who intensely disliked what happened to Russia. He is a narcissistic, sly, evil being who has used and abused his own countrymen becoming very rich in the process. He is worth about 40 billion. This invasion must be stopped and it scares me to write this because he will not back down. If he takes Ukraine, he will set his sights on the Baltic States. In simplistic terms, one has to s5and up to the bully but I wish..Er hope, that a blow gun finds its way into his neck. He is extremely paranoid though...just look at where he sits at his long table....that is not just about covid. We must stay strong and we have to sometimes, turn the tv off, go into nature, watch a comedy do anything to find one’s strength,.

    1. I couldn't agree more. What terrifies me is what can happen if he's cornered. A wounded animal will lash out and take everyone with him.
      A lot of people don't know, but I deliver for Meals On Wheels. One of my clients said that she was so scared of what she's seeing on the news. I told her to turn it off because there's nothing she could do about it (she's 93-I did NOT say that to her, though) so why get upset over things she has no control over? She said she did like Seinfeld. Watch Seinfeld then, I told her. And laugh.
      By the way, why do you think I often write nonsense here? I'm not 93, but I need to laugh just as much.

    2. You are so right!! My mom would have been 94 and I’m glad she is not here because she would be terrified. My mom lived through the bombings of both Hamburg and Dresden. I watched a WW2 doc last night which showed beautiful Dresden in flames. My first thought was that my mom was actually there, the second we’re the thousands and thousands of people who went to Dresden thinking the6 were safe because it was known for its beauty and no military in sight but bomber Harris thought to diminish the morale of the people. This is Putin’s thinking and, as you know from history, the Russian higher ups didn’t care at all about their own troops. We have to stand up to this person no matter what which is so scary for me to write but they need an elite group to get in there and blowdart him with curare. He is going very paranoid and he is a wounded animal in the corner. Now, that being said, we need laughter and joy so hug your skeleton as you watch a fun comedy.

    3. In fact, I'm getting ready to write something silly.

  3. I can't keep up with all of the horrible things going on. It gets to me. But a lot of those things are things I can't do anything about. Sure, maybe I could go to a protest, but that's not really me. What to do?

    I can be a positive balance to the world, though. I can't influence world events, but I can try to make the day brighter for those around me. And because one can't be a light when one is in darkness, it helps if I try to find my joy as well.

    Easy to do? Nope. Do I succeed? Not a lot. But it's something to strive for.

  4. You summed up quite a bit of how I feel in regards to the world today. And Liz A. above also gave a bit of light. We can only do our best and muddle along, I guess, to keep things in balance. If nothing else, I try to smile, be patient, etc when out in the world. Cheers, my friend


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