Fun With Comedy Gold Emeritus


If found, please return to the United States.
Just be warned:  they may not want him.

Who is the new Comedy Gold, you may ask?

"Ta DA!!!!

"So, I'm still the 'Stable Genius'?"


  1. Yeah... Could be four years of word salads.

    1. Whatever happens, it’ll be four years of ridiculous. I just may get drunk for the duration.

  2. I have nothing, I did have something but someone liked the thought in my head and snatched away before I would put it in writing.

    1. Better than grabbing your entire brain.Then we’d have to send you to Washington.

  3. Too bad you didn't use the clip of him climbing into the empty plane...

    1. This was on delay so that picture hadn't happened

  4. Really Al Penwasser? I hope she enjoyed more than one bj, but don't get me started. Wait, I just started. Sigh. Okay, the worst I'll say is that I take issue to Rajani Rehana's description of this as a "beautiful" post. Do you think Rajani Rehana is related to Rosanna Rosanna Danna?

    1. As I hope you know, I'm an equal opportunity mocker. Kamala would be a GD disaster. I'd vote for Hilary or Obama over her. If the Orange Clown would just go away maybe people would come to their senses. How anyone can support a person (doesn't matter that she's a woman) who has not received a single vote for president (she dropped out while the getting was good before the first primary for 2020) is beyond me. And people think Cheeto is a threat to democracy. At least Biden has the dementia excuse.

    2. And throwing shade on Rajani isn't a good look.

    3. Well I don't take bloggers seriously when they make rounds to call every post "beautiful" while insisting on visits/follows. They're fair game for me.
      Shaming someone because they're a woman and presumably gives bjs - versus men who presumably enjoy bjs - and because she presumably made the wrong choice in a man (Willie Brown, who was majorly popular and beloved at the time), not a good look.
      Good thing we love each other. Hopefully. Still.


Youthful Extortion

         I love Halloween.     Yes <<sigh>> I know, I’s a holiday allegedly drenched in Satanic roots replete with a...