Fun With Cackles


"Today is today.  Until tomorrow.  Then, tomorrow is today.  And today is yesterday.  But, then, today's yesterday will be the day before yesterday when the new tomorrow is today.  It stands to reason that last week will still be last week.  Unless the new today is on a Monday.  Which means then that last week will be the week before last.  Of course, it will still be summer.  Unless it's cold.  Then, it's winter.  Or you're in in Australia." 

"I don't know who she is or understand a single thing she's saying. 
Then again, I'm demented.  No joke


  1. I'm not sure I can have fun with politics right now. It all seems so sad....

  2. I'm enjoying the couch jokes. You've seen the couch jokes, right?

    1. I haven't. Is it a matter of Googling? Upon further reflection, I tend to agree with CW. Politics is sad nowadays. Too many people appear to have lost their minds on both sides.

  3. Thank you for making me laugh and I am bloody cold and yes I am in Australia

    1. My wife is best friends with a lady on Australia's Gold Coast. We get reports on how bloody cold it is there. I was hoping you'd read this. I should ask my wife to tell her friend,

    2. Her friend lives in Queensland. She just started a jewelry business, "Epic By Eng."
      Small world.

    3. My wife told me it's epikbyeng,com

  4. I e been gone for a week so I have missed some politics....thankfully. I'm guessing she was trying to say something but it left people scratching their heads. Obviously, I like her but you are so funny and we need humour more than ever.

    1. The good news is that, if she wins, the comedy will be endless.
      Same with Trump. But in orange.
      My country is so screwed.
      I’d vote for Hilary or Obama over these two knuckleheads.


Politically Correct Christmas

Ghosties, Ghoulies, and Things Which Go Bump in the Night

FULL DISCLOSURE :  I was raised a Catholic and was even an altar boy for four years.  However, I'm married to a Jewish girl.  Before tha...