Politically Correct Christmas

I wrote a version of this several years (perhaps a decade) ago.  So, I had to tweak it a little.  Interestingly, the line about Joe Biden is just as it was.  That demented muppet was comedy gold then;  he remains comedy gold emeritus.  I included Trump in this updated version, though, because, back in the good old days, he was just a big-mouth wealthy reality television guy.

"Misgender me, you little pricks and everyone gets coal!  Or a Tesla truck."


Have a Holly Jolly, Politically Correct Christmas Holiday


C. Clement Moore (?)

 With apologies to Major Henry Livingston, Jr.*:

'Twas the Night Before December 25th 

‘Twas the night before December 25th, when all through the house, teepee, shopping cart, sidewalk, or refrigerator carton (who are you to judge?  Hater.).

Not a creature was stirring, not even a transgender rodent (which has every right to live wherever it chooses, you racist).

Government-issued condoms were hung by the chimney with care,

in hopes a federal official soon would be there.


The children of our illegal immigrant family were nestled, snug in luxury hotel beds,

while visions of non-dairy, non-sugar, non-peanut, non-caffeine, non-fat, non-transfats, non-threatening non-taxed tofu plums danced “With the Stars” in their heads.

My life partner in a hyperbaric chamber and I in my neoprene bubble

had drifted to sleep, with nary any trouble.

 When out on the roof there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed (which I selfishly bought at IKEA while North Carolinians slept in campers), to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I feared that I’d spy

Obama, Biden, or that Maddow guy.

 The moon, on the Britney breast of the new-fallen snow

gave the luster of midday to objects below.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

but a “little people” sleigh and eight height-challenged reindeer.

With a stature-limited seasoned-citizen driver, so lively and quick,

I knew it must be that Person of Androgyny, Nikita, Nick...

or some other such prick.

More rapid than CVS looters, her/his/their coursers they came

and she/he/they whistled and shouted and called them by name (though not as subservients; rather as equals in the mutual exchange of commerce).

 “Now Twerker! Lap Dancer!

Lizzo, Prancer and Nixon!

Obama! Ted Danson!

On, Whoopi, Mel Gibson!

To the top of the porch!

To the top of the wall!

Now, dash away, but only if you’re physically able and don’t feel threatened by it all!”

 As dry heaves at drag story hour fly,

or budgets cut because Republicans want you to die,

or on to Ukraine…but Americans?  FU!

with a sleigh full of loot stolen from me and from you!

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

As I drew in my head, I turned and I saw

Nikita/Nick and her/his/their attorney-at-law.

She/he/they was dressed in synthetic fur, from her/his/their head to her/his/their foot,

and her/his/their clothes were all tarnished with the tracings of soot on her/his/their rump,

a carcinogen and by-product of evil exploitation trees by Trump.

A bundle of toys she/he had tossed in a sack

and I KNEW I was liable if she/he/they busted her/his/their back!


But, there was no worry, I had not a care!

Because she/he/they had Obamacare!

Which surely can cure every ouchie

From cancer to pimples, but certainly not Fauci.


Her/his/their eyes--how they twinkled!  Her/his/their dimples, how merry!

Her/his/their cheeks like BOTOX balloons, her/his/their nose like a cherry!

It was obvious with him/her/their I should not be alone

this creepy, suspicious, this Biden clone.

Her/his/their droll little mouth was drawn up in a smirk, not a frown

from some anonymous, “tsk-tsking” government clown.

The stump of a pipe she/he/their had just for effect

as she/he/their showed me her/his/their nicotine patch on her/his/their neck.

She/he/they had a broad face and a little round belly

that shook when she/he/they laughed, like a bowl full of KY Jelly.

 (NOTE: the American Medical Association strongly urges a lifestyle which eliminates the existence of “little round bellies”, as they may lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, tourettes, heart attack, an “unfresh” feeling, stroke, erectile dysfunction, skin rashes, halitosis, driving heavy equipment while drowsy, and rickets.  But, hey, be as fat as a hog.  You do you.)

She/he/they were chubby and plump,  a right jolly old fairy/troll/forest nymph/dwarf/Chris Christie/multi-diverse personage of varying-yet valuable-ethnic persuasion/wood sprite/Oprah/elf,

and I laughed when I saw her/him/they, in spite of myself (although, to avoid being sued, I said I was laughing “with”, not “at”, her/him/they).

A wink of her/his/their eye and a twist of her/his/their head

soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

She/he/they spoke not a word, but went straight to her/his/their work

and filled all the condoms, when allowed by her/his/their attorney-the aforementioned jerk.

The gifts, she/he/they explained, were crafted by midgets

Err...”little people” you over-sensitive fidgets.

To insult them, she/he/they knew, will just make them sour

When, after New Years, they return back to work

at McDonalds for $15.00 an hour.

And laying her/his/their finger on the side (not in) of her/his/their nose,

and giving a nod, up the chimney/window/teepee smoke hole she/he/they rose.

She/he/they sprang to her/his/their sleigh, to her/his/their team gave a whistle,

and they mutually agreed in committee to fly as equals away like the down of a thistle.

But, I heard her/him/them exclaim, ‘ere she/he/they drove out of sight.

“Happy Non-Sectarian Day-of-Observance-Which-Has-Nothing-To-Do-With-An-Established-Creed-Or-Dogma-of-Faith-Because-That-Would-Be-a-Heinous-Violation-of-the-Sanctity-of-the-Separation-of-Church-and-State-Because-What-About-the-Children-Dammit!? and to all a mutually-satisfying (as agreed upon in writing. In triplicate. By the ACLU.) with a frosty Bud Light!”    

     *Evidently, Clement Clark Moore is the 19th century equivalent of the New York Times’ Jayson Blair**.  A classic since its 1823 appearance in the Troy Sentinel, ‘A Visit From St. Nicholas’ (as it was alternately known) was claimed by Moore as his own in 1837, conveniently after Livingston had passed away.  In fact, Moore, who wasn’t known by any other poem, incorporated the work into one of his own books, Poems, in 1844!  So, the next time you’re tempted to fret and bemoan our lack of journalistic scruples, just remember Moore’s response when asked if he had, indeed, written this most-famous of Yuletide poems:  “Uh, yeah, whatever.”    Or, so I’ve read on the Internet.  Because, after all, if it’s there, it must be true! 

 NOTE:  I wrote this a long time ago (I updated it, but didn’t feel like taking Blair out), so the inclusion of Jayson Blair may leave you scratching your head.  Mr. Blair was pinched for being a plagiarist.  A plagiarist, of course, is someone who tries to pawn off someone else’s work as his own without giving credit to the actual author.  You know, a lot like Joe Biden. 





  1. I found that a bit hard to follow... and I am grateful for that. God help me if it made sense...

    1. It’s wicked hard to follow…lol.

  2. The holidays are a time to reflect, celebrate, and look forward to the beauty of life. Merry Christmas! I hope you find happiness in the little moments and joy in the big ones. Keep spreading your light wherever you go.

  3. Oh my goodness I died. I had to read that out loud to my husband. Very well written lmao.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
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Politically Correct Christmas

Theme Reveal

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