Two Things Can Be Right

    I hesitated to write this, because I know some people will be shocked.

 Early voting in Virginia opened on September 20th.  I voted on the 24th.  The reason I voted early is because I will working at the polls on Election Day.  Since I won’t be in my assigned precinct, I won’t be able to leave during the day.

    I would have gone early in any event, because God knows the circus sideshow it will be come November 5th.   Weather, equipment “malfunctions,” or any number of shenanigans from either side…yeah, I won’t want any part of that.

    For those of you saying. “Well, golly, Ken, if you’re there ON Election Day, won’t you be impacted by the very things you’re worried about?”  To you I say, not really, because I’ll be safe inside.  Although, I can’t discount the almost certainty that we’ll have to deal with some crazies inside.

Okay, this is Black Friday.

"Friday of Color."

Well, it'll be close, is what I'm saying.

    Since I’ll be helping curbside voters, bad weather could be a factor, I suppose.  However, since I won’t have to be driving in it (with the exception of getting there at 4:45 am), I’m not worried.  Yes, the internet could go out or pipes could “mysteriously” burst, but that would be a game day problem.

    I thought that going early would shield me from a long line and, thus, long wait.  I’m here to tell you, though, that nothing could be farther from the truth.  Even as early as I went, I had to wait close to an hour.

    I can only imagine how the wait will be in November.

    Even so, I was a little uneasy.  As is common practice throughout the nation, partisans of this political party or that are stationed at least 40 feet away to hand out campaign literature and, frankly, harangue those of us in line.

    Not for nothin’, if you haven’t made up your mind by the time you get there, you have real problems.

    Can you imagine?  “You know, I was going to vote ‘X.’ But, boy howdy, you’ve convinced me!  I’m voting ‘Y’!”

    One particular individual (neither Republican nor Democrat) was especially vocal in his denunciation of those presently in charge.  And, by “vocal,” I mean “obnoxious.”  He also was wearing a handgun on his hip.

Apparently, it's legal. 
But, just because you can do something, does not mean you should do something.
FULL DISCLOSURE:  I own a couple weapons myself and have a Concealed Carry Permit.

    Anyway, he caught the ire of a lady handing out her own party’s literature and being equally “vocal” to innocent voters (I don’t know which party she represented and it doesn’t matter).  They began chirping at each other and I thought blows were fixing to be exchanged.  They really got into each other’s faces as I nervously inched closer to the “Forty Foot Demarcation Line.”

    A man several people behind me scolded them, saying, “You know, it’s people like you who’ve brought this country into the sorry state it is.”

    I don’t know which party he belonged to, either, and it really doesn’t matter.  Unless he’s a member of the “Grownup Party.”  Because he was absolutely right.

    At that point, I knew that my experience on the actual Election Day would be a real zoo.

"I love the zoo, no joke! 
Maybe afterwards, Dr. Jill can take me for some ice cream!"

    Okay, how did I vote, the two of you reading this may be wondering?  To be honest, I’ve gone round and round on this issue for months.  To possibly tick off some of you, there was no way on this planet I would ever support Kamala Harris.  How a woman who didn’t earn a single primary vote accuse her opponent of being a “threat to democracy” is mind-blowing.

    I wish people would stop kidding themselves by thinking she would have weathered a primary process.

    Plus, she’s an imbecile.

"From the middle class, m'kay?"

   No sense trying to convince me otherwise.

    So, that left me with Donald Trump.  I debated with myself whether I should go “Team Orange” as the lesser of two evils.  It was the toughest thing I’ve had to struggle with since I started voting (for Gerald Ford) in 1976.  When all was said and done, though, I still would be voting for evil.

"Fire and brimstone are that way.  Believe me, it's the most excellent
damnation you'll find anywhere."

    Still, I’m a Conservative (not a Republican) and felt that he should be “my guy.”  Then, he’d sell a pair sneakers or post “I hate Taylor Swift” on Truth Social.

Dear Lord, to say nothing of this.

    And I’d go all wobbly again.

    I get what the other side represents, though, and it horrifies me.  That said, I can appreciate the dilemma of those who see Kamala as the alternative to (who they perceive as) the Anti-Christ.  Their “lesser of two evils” could very well be the Cackler.  I understand and respect their position.

    On the other hand, there are those who have always voted Democrat and will always vote Democrat, because the media tells them so.  Even if their “guy” was Satan.  The same goes for lockstep Republicans. 

    Those people are knuckleheads.

    So, I decided that, while I hope Republicans win, Donald Trump will have to do it without my vote.  I can’t ever imagine a scenario where he loses by one or the contest is tied.  In which case, the whole shebang will go the House of Representatives.

    If that happens, I’ll feel very badly.  But, there’s a better chance of the New York Giants winning the Super Bowl.

    So, what did I do?  I wrote in “Ron De Santis.”

"So you're telling me there's a chance?"


    Yes, I realize that it was a wasted voted.  Okay, sue me.  But, I wanted to be true to myself and not cast my support to a man who sells his own trading cards.  It's my vote and I'll vote how I want to.

    Please resist the urge to tell me how I was wrong or why I should have voted for him or her.  That doesn’t matter, either, because, as Julius Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon, “The die is cast!,” or “Let the dice fly!”

Or he may have said, "Hey, did you check out the jugs on that Gaul?"
Sources are unclear

    My point is, the deed is done.


    Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

    In my opinion…are both massively unfit to be our president.

    Two things can be right, ya know.



  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for NOT voting Orange. I love you even more.
    L'Shanah Tovah too!

    1. He got me in 2016. Not so in 2020. Even less, as you read, in 2024.

  2. That is the quandary in which I found myself. My way was, well, my way.

  3. I'm so glad you are not supporting the orange one who incites negativity, lies, abuses Women, etc.. mind you, he eats a lot of burgers and I don't see any dogs or cats near him. If I was able to vote( thankfully, I'm a proud Canadian) I would be voting for Harris all the way! Like you, you can't tell me otherwise.

  4. Early voting shouldn't be a huge line. It should be easy. Just as on election day. It should be a minimal line, and quick thing. That it isn't is troubling. Why aren't there enough polling places to handle the traffic?

    I won't have to deal with that. I just got notification that my mail in ballot has been sent. I can fill it out at home and send it in when I'm ready. Very convienent.

    I'm glad you'll be working the polls. My dad's wife used to do that. One year I'd like to try it. (After I retire, probably. Assuming I retire.) It's an important job and one we all should respect.

    1. I feel, as long as the day is (and it will be), working the polls is a citizen responsibility. The refreshing thing is? None of us know to what political affiliation any of us belongs. We're all just Americans. I truly like that.

  5. It is good that people can vote early if they need to but so many seems surprising to me. Working the polls is an important job and good on you for doing it. I hope whoever gets in doesn't screw up too bad

    1. I so agree with you about voting early. With me, it makes sense (as self-serving as it sounds). But, it's too early for too many. Maybe one week beforehand for the in-person folks...?

  6. I wonder if writing in JD is an option. I'm still not convinced that after so many cheating ballots were sent in/dropped off/conjured up in Georgia and Wisconsin, it's even worth my time. I know some will say there was no cheating, it's a figment of DJT's imagination, but... I was up a long time that night, and at least 3 states had no business ending up where they were when I got up. I do salute you for your additional service, though. And yeah, guy #3 was right. Like Rod Stewart (kinda) said, there's no use yelling when there's nobody listening.

    1. Exactly. Our country dismays me nowadays. For all the good it did me, I could have written in "Al Penwasser." But, I wanted to maintain some shred of integrity.

  7. Wanted to come back when I had more time.
    Ron DeSantis - yes! I would've voted for him. He even sent utility trucks to our state to help us with our hurricane mountain disaster. (And before our current president said our military could help.)
    The problem is, Republicans are stupid. They were so excited to do an early debate so they could prove Biden was mentally incompetent. Well, that's exactly what the liberals wanted so they could oust him before the election. As Admiral Ackbar said - it's a trap! And Republicans gleefully walked into. Again, stupid.


Goodbye Columbus

      I love October.       The air is redolent ( 1. (adj)  red-o-lent:  strongly reminiscent or suggestive of. .. t hought this was a good ...