Numbskulls, Fools, and the Electoral Process


    As I’m sure quite a few of you know, I worked the polls this past Election Day (that it was on Election Day is probably obvious).

If it was the day after, I probably would have been pretty lonely.

    Anyway, I’m happy to report that it was remarkably free of any monkeyshines, chicanery, or the hijinks that are often associated with voting.  While not crazy busy, we were steady throughout the day.  In fact, the busiest we got was when the polls opened at 6:00 AM.  Surprisingly, we didn’t see a huge rush in the two hours before we closed up shop at 7.  Rather, it was a steady flow.  At no time we were bored or struggling to stay awake.

    There were a number of first-time voters, which made my heart happy.  After all, someone has to replace us when we shuffle off this mortal coil to our eternal  reward.  Or wherever I end up.

"Yep, got you right here. 
King-size by the pool with a micro-fridge and cable TV, eternity. 
No, just kidding.  Except for that 'eternity' part."

    Even though there was a mixture of liberal and conservative among the ten of us, I had no idea of anyone’s party affiliation.  That was absolutely fine with me.  I am convinced that the vast majority of Americans only want the best for themselves or their families.  While I may disagree with their beliefs, that obviously does not make them bad people.

    That there are knuckleheads out there (on both sides) is undeniable.  But, I didn’t see any on Election Day.

    The worst it got was when a gentleman wearing a “WV” cap (the cap is not germane to this story; it just adds to the literary flair of my story) demanded  to know if this election was legal and what kind of machine were we using to tabulate votes.

And, by 'germane,' I don't mean Germane Jackson. 
Sorry for any confusion.

    Even though he was on “my side,” I inwardly sighed and said that of course it was legal (obviously was) and I had no idea who made the machine (I didn’t).

    We were expressly forbidden to talk politics.  As it should be.

    Come to think of it, he may have been on “my side,” but I suspect he’s a starter for the “Loony Side.”

    Other than that, no worries.  However, I do have an observation (this is where you say, ‘He’s FINALLY getting to the point!”).

    The ballots in my town had only two choices:  Congress and City Council.  The candidates for Congress were identified by party.  The ones for City Council were not (although, one was a Democrat and one a Republican).

    Part of my job during the day was helping curbside voters.  One lady was bamboozled by the choices when I ran (really, I ran!) the ballot out to her car.

    She asked which party the ones running for City Council were from.  I replied that it was illegal for me to tell her (as it should be).  Neither could I make any sort of gesture or nod my head in the direction of the candidates’ signage.  WHICH WEREN’T MORE THAN TWENTY FEET FROM HER CAR.

    She hemmed and she hawed as she tried to figure it out.  When she did make her selection, she asked if I thought she made the right one.  Once again, I told her it was against the law for me to say.

    She didn’t, by the way.

    That she was a Republican is irrelevant.  That she failed to do any kind of research is.  Mind you, there are Democrats and other Republicans who do the same thing.  “Well, I’ve always voted D/R and my parents have always voted D/R so I’m going to vote D/R this time.  I don’t care if my candidate has the intellectual abilities of a turnip.”

I'm talking to you, Pennsylvania

    This is my firm belief:  IF YOU DO THIS, YOU ARE AN IDIOT.  For the love of God, you have a right that has not been enjoyed by people for the overwhelming part of world history.  It is imperative that you know who you are voting for.

    If you did your due diligence and think the Democrat or Republican is the best choice, I may strongly disagree with you, but I respect you.  If you don’t know what you are doing and just “pull the lever” for the party, remember…IDIOT.

    Be a numbskull and you run the risk of foisting a bumbling fool  onto your neighbors.


"You think he means me?"

  I am convinced that, for example, people voting for Kemp just kept on voting for Herschel Walker.  Likewise, people voting for Shapiro just kept voting for that zombie in a hoodie, Fetterman.  Maybe not, maybe so.

    That some did, I can guarantee.

    FULL DISCLOSURE:  There were more than a couple clowns on the Right up for election this time around, too.  I’m grateful that I didn’t have to choose between a carpetbagger and an Uncle Fester, though.

    If I was made king for a day, one of the things I would do is eliminate party affiliation from ballots.  This would hopefully decrease mass “voting straight down the line” and force people to actually look into your candidate.

    Incidentally, I would DRASTICALLY reduce early voting.

    This may be a naïve, vain hope.  But, it is a dream I have.


RELATED:  The first shots have been fired in the 2024 presidential campaign.  I foresee a return to the Republican primaries of 2016, when Donald Trump was my fourth choice for the nomination.  Many debates ensued with more than a few of my friends as I maintained that he would be a disaster.  As it turned out, I love his policies, but I never stopped thinking he was an egotistical ass.  Now, with his attack on Ron DeSantis and racist attack on my governor, I see where we’re going back to those times.  Frankly, I wish he would go away.  He is a toxin who will split the Republican Party.  The last time someone did that was Ross Perot.  And we Conservatives saw how well that turned out (also, Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. You can look that one up).

Looks like I may have to dust this off from 2016


  1. My wife says that every year - get rid of the parties.
    We both researched as there were people running that we didn't know who they were. And one measure that I'm really glad I researched and voted no on.
    Trump does need to go away. No matter what, he'd never will again. Too polarizing and too many hate him. Do hope DeSantis runs though!

    1. I wish we would vote for the most qualified man or woman, regardless of party. Yeah, I realize that is naive.

  2. I love mail in voting. I can sit down with my computer and research the ballot measures and the judges so I know who I'm voting for (or against). Sure, I could just sit down and do my research before going to the polls, but I have yet to do that, and lets face it, I would be scrambling on the Tuesday if I had to research ahead of time.

    Sounds like you had a good day working the polls. I heard some poll workers were getting threatened. I'm glad you weren't.

    1. It was long, but worth it. My faith in humanity was bolstered.

  3. I'm late to this party but, good for you for taking the time to volunteer election day. I'm glad non-transferable with shotguns appeared to scare people. It is a right to be able to vote and a privilege. I hope Trump does not win because he is doing great damage to the Republicans party he is not for the party but for himself. I also believe that Putin had Trump in his pocket. I believe the Russians were trying to manipulate the votes to get Trump in. Trump was promised something. Maybe another golf course or hotel that would go bankrupt but not before Trump got out of the UN and the G20 Summit. If he stayed in power the Ukraine would have toppled and Putinwould be going to the Balkin States. I believe I am more a Democrat, if I lived in the States but I did like Reagan. I am in the minority with my friends and family but I liked him and what he did.

    1. Thank you! It was an honor to work the polls.

  4. Anonymous? WTF…LOL.


Goodbye Columbus

      I love October.       The air is redolent ( 1. (adj)  red-o-lent:  strongly reminiscent or suggestive of. .. t hought this was a good ...