A City By Any Other Name


It's like they have a different word for everything.

             Occasionally, you learn something at Stuff and Nonsense.  Not often, mind you.  But sometimes.

                Way back when I had brown hair, I served aboard the aircraft carrier, USS George Washington.  As was the way it went back then (probably still is), we spent quite a bit of time when deployed keeping an eye on Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and other asylums. 

                Basically, we were on "Lunatic Watch."

                Obviously, we spent our time on the water because we were...a ship (please try and keep up), primarily the Persian Gulf.

                Only it wasn't the Persian Gulf, we were told by the powers that be.  No, no, "Persian" implies it was an "Iranian" body of water, you understand.  And we didn't like those people.

                NOTE:  "Iran" was once known as "Persia."  Before that?  Yeah, "Iran."  You really can't make this stuff up.

                Anyway, so as to tick off the "Death to America" crowd, we were under strict orders to refer to it as the "Arabian" Gulf.  Because they were our friends.

"Those infidel American bastards must be dealt with!  We must attack Washington and New York!"
"It's been done."
"Oh.  By the Chinese?"
"No.  By an ally."
"You're shitting me."

                NOTE:  I am not going to entertain any 9/11 conspiracies here.  Not the point today.  Thanks for playing, though.

                Friendship can be complicated.

                I have to wonder....is it only the U.S. military which refers to it as the Arabian Gulf?

                Similarly, but not exactly, we're being told that pronunciation of the capital city of Ukraine is not what we've been told it was back in elementary school.

                In the run-up to the Turnip-in-Chief's wagging the war dog in Eastern Europe, I kept hearing news people mispronouncing the name of Ukraine's capital.  Or so I thought.  Silly me.

                For as long as I can remember, I've been spelling it "Kiev" and pronouncing it "KEE ev."  Well, wouldn't you know it, I've been doing it wrong.

                To more closely align with the Ukrainian language, its capital is actually "Kyiv." which is pronounced "Keev."  Or, close enough.

It's still Chicken Kiev.  Don't worry.

                Apparently, Ukrainians have been clamoring for people to do this ever since the Soviet Union shit the bed in the 1990s (Personal Note:  I remember there was a time when I had a bit of smug snarkiness about that.  Then, we got Biden so...).  "Kiev," you see, is the way Russians say it and we can't have that.

                Likewise, it's no longer known as "The" Ukraine, which is considered Russian.  Now, it's just the more friendly "Ukraine."

            Incidentally, this is just like plain old "Smokey Bear," not "Smokey the Bear."

"And, if you eff that up, well...you know where you can jump."


                At first I was a little miffed ("miffed" not really the right word, but it'll have to do).  I considered it the "Persian/Arabian Gulf" of the 21st Century.  Rather silly, I figured.

                Then, I thought, well why not pronounce their cities the way they should be said, rather than some jumped-up "I-speak-English-and-am-better-than-you-so-why-don't-you-shut-up?"

                The practice is not without precedent.  I'm old enough to remember when it was "Peking" before it became "Beijing."

                And I really avoid calling "Chile" like it's something you served with beans and corn bread.  "CHEE lay" rolls off the tongue just as fine.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm........Chillay with beans....."

                Still, I wonder if we'll ever hear of "Pair REE" or "MEHICO City?"

                I'll do the best I can with "Kyiv," though.  But, I'm an old man, after all, and set in my ways.

                Who stubbornly calls it the Persian Gulf.



  1. Just when you think you know how to say something...

    1. I know, right? I hadn't realized how much a source of national pride this is. I respect that.

  2. People worry about the silliest things. And Arabic Gulf do not roll off the tongue.

    1. Couldn't stand that. Mostly because it was a politically correct bit of nonsense.

  3. I hear Vienna was Weining about something

    1. I did some digging into that that. Well, holy smoke. I also learned that a male resident of Vienna is a "weiner." Who knew?

  4. And I'm old enough to remember maps (older than me) that had "Peiping" rather than Peking or Beijing. And let's not start on all the cities that changed names after Austria-Hungary assumed room temp. Have a blessed Sunday!

  5. I thought they were saying it wrong as well until my brain woke up and that pronunciation wad probably the correct way. Well, the Wienna is Wien( say it like Veen, remember the w is said like a v in German.) Munich is Munchen...pronounced mewnschen. Ob Come on, try. I'm tired of all this. You say potato and I say French fries. Or is that chips. Where is Eric Estrada when you need him.

    1. And "Firenze" is "Florence."
      Ay, yi, yi, a different name for everything.
      Just make sure you pronounce "dinner" correctly.

  6. we fight over the name, as China calls "South China Sea," but the sea is claimed by at least by Vietnam, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia...

    "name" and claim may start a war....


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...