

    Got you, didn't I?
    No, this post has nothing to do with my struggles with mental health.

"Although...there is that."

    Actually, it's a review of the latest opus from Robyn Engel, she of the Life By Chocolate: Robyn Alana Engel's Blog on, duh, Blogger (hopefully you already knew that it's on Blogger.  If not, WTH are you doing here?  Looking for porn?).

"Search for porn."

     Hang on.

   Oh, who am I kidding?  More like five minutes. 

    Anyway, back to Robyn.  Okay, first off, the title of her newest book is NOT Insanity.  Rather, it's InSanity.  The reason I used the spelling that I did was that I wanted to draw the two of you in to see what crazy ass shit I was putting out this time.  You see, I employed a classic "bait and switch" technique to suck you in.

"Suck us in?  So there is porn?"
"Raht.  Porn.  Let's go, Brandon!"

     Robyn is one of those authors who I like to call...talented.  She is much more talented, and better looking, than I, you understand.  She weaves a serious tale (on mental illness.  Please keep up.  Especially you two on the porch) which is bracketed by lighthearted observations of the, ahem, insanity, which is the hallmark of our existence on this crazy place we call Earth.

"Shit.  I would've called it 'Water.'  But...whatever. 
Have to change all the maps, though."

    Her writing style (and I'm quoting myself) reminds me of lot of the writing style of Steven King.  Only without dead things, telekinesis, killer cars, or buck teeth.

"Not a little hurtful."
NOTE:  Now you know why Steven King keeps his mouth closed a lot.

    When you're done with this excellent work you will have arrived at a much better understanding of the demons of mental illness, specifically suicide.  Robyn pointedly...uh, points out...(please excuse the clumsy wording.  I couldn't think of anything better.  I told you she was a better writer than I) that people don't commit suicide.  Neither are they selfish.

    She also talks about something called Viagra Ice Cream.  So, there's that.

"Mmmmmmmm......viagra ice cream......"

"With nuts."

    The best part of this book?  I learned some things and was entertained at the same time.  And, that my friends, is the mark of an outstanding writer.

    Do yourself a favor and get this book (or any the others which she has written over the years).  You'll be glad you did.

    InSanity is available on Amazon.  When you get there, type in Robyn Engel" and, like magic, you'll go right to where you want to be.

    For every ten books sold, a complimentary shipment of dental floss will be sent to Steven King.

"You shut your whore mouth."


  1. Congratulations, Robyn and well done Al for making me laugh.

    1. He never fails. Al is the funniest blogger there is. An officer and a silly gentleman, that man. (This review is unsolicited too. I didn't even bribe him with viagra OR dental floss, Alex.)

    2. Awwwwwww....I'm blushing. And not just at the thought of Viagra Ice Cream.
      NOTE: I really am getting a lot of mileage out of that, aren't I?

  2. Viagra ice cream--it's colorful and packs a sweet, flavorful thrust. I mean, punch. Oh, yikes, that's worse, Al. I actually don't know if its effective because I only licked it a little. I enjoyed it. Okay, I'll stop while I'm getting myself in deeper. I mean, he's trying to...oy vey.
    I just love you and appreciate your sincere support, my friend.
    I'm so glad the book was a win with you (and others) in all the ways that I wanted it to be.

    I'm also glad, frankly, that I don't have King's mouth. Thanks, mom and dad for good dental care. Because I had a bad case of King's mouth when I was a youngin. Woowee. That's a different story.

    1. *if it's effective. Where's my editor? =)

    2. Does Viagra Ice Cream come on a stick?

    3. *Giggles* I didn't think to ask if I could get it on a stick 6 inches or longer, Al. So I don't know. It would be appropriate, though.

  3. Sounds like an interesting book.

    1. It really is. Despite the seriousness of the subject, she holds the reader's attention quite well.

  4. I think I shall order this book because I wish to know her thoughts on “commit” suicide and that it is not selfish which is how the “experts” state. See I love quotation marks. Seriously did you get your banjo out when you came across that picture of those 2 missing links?? I also love the ass of that alien looking at the earth...yes, I am sick,

    1. You're as silly as that Al Penwasser, Birgit. That's why I love you both. Even if you're calling me an ass.

      But yeah, I'd be honored if you read it to understand my thoughts about suicide. There's still a strong message going around that we have to "know the signs" to prevent others from taking their lives, and I have problems with that too. It puts way too much responsibility on human beings to cure another's mental illness. But this isn't the place to go on. Sorry.

      If only we could all get together and chat over Viagra ice cream.

  5. Does the Viagra ice cream come in a dairy free option...asking for a friend. Now excuse me while I go hide my search history and try to get rid of this damn virus.

    Great plug for her book indeed. Interested to see thoughts on why "commit" isn't it.

    1. I love how viagra ice cream is the gift that keeps on giving.
      Although, if you still have a brain freeze four hours after taking it, I would advise seeking medical attention.

  6. One thing is for sure- she is better looking than you! (Low bar, I know, but it IS actually a compliment!) I hope your book does well, Robyn!

    1. After all, I DO have a face only a mother could love.

  7. Excellent post! I am a longtime fan of Ms. Engel and intend to buy her book. Problem though: I am also the guy at left in your post-top photo. In 2006, while undergoing open heart surgery, my skeleton got scared, climbed out and ran away. I survived but now must live in a pillow case. Please tell him to come home. Robyn knows where I am. Thanks!

    1. Skeletons will do that. You have no idea how tough it is taking care of those scredy-cats!


Goodbye Columbus

      I love October.       The air is redolent ( 1. (adj)  red-o-lent:  strongly reminiscent or suggestive of. .. t hought this was a good ...