Would I Be Able to Tell?

    One of the perks of my job (besides finding spare change on the
I just dump the ones I find
in the bathroom
into a bucket of bleach. 
Because ewwwwwww.....
floor) is that I get to listen to music and, quite often, podcasts.  These run the gamut from two talking heads arguing about the world of baseball to discussions about the Kennedy assassination and Marilyn Monroe's "suicide" (SPOILER:  They're not with us anymore).  

    One of the ones I listen to is a conspiracy theory/paranormal kind of show on Stitcher called Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis.  While I don't agree with a lot of what he says (some of it is wayyyyy out there) and am amazed at the number of drunks calling in to his show, it does pass the time while I "live the dream" (one little bit he plays between his discussion is Peter Griffin from Family Guy telling Brian, "Wowwwwww....ground zero.  So this is where the first guy got AIDS."). 

Come to think of it,
I hope that's a girl fish.
  Kinda silly, but it's way better than listening to Alex Jones rant about homosexual fish or how the NSA has bugged our bathrooms.

    Anyway, one of the things posited on Clyde's show is a theory that we live in a kind of simulation, much like the Truman Show or the Matrix.  In other words, we all live in a dystopian world where puppet-masters guide our every move.  Well, yeah, whatever.  Sounds a tad silly, but hey, whatever.
    In any case, it reminds me of a time back in 1978 (or
Ahhhhh...the 70s. 
I was a hot bit of business. 
With an untucked shirt.
'79...whenever) when I was part of the crew of USS America.  We were just returning to our port in Norfolk, Virginia from a two (or three...whatever) week period operating in the Caribbean Sea, a lot of which took place in the Bermuda Triangle.

    As I stood on the flight deck with a shipmate as we tied up to the pier (pretending that someone among the several hundred onlookers actually cared that I was coming back), he commented:

He:  You know we've been operating in the Bermuda Triangle, right?
Me:  Yeah.  So?
He:  Well, you know a lot of weird things happen there, right?
Me:  Once more, so?
He:   What if we entered another dimension when we there and all the people on the pier aren't who we think they are?  They could be the exact double of our families back in the real world.
Me:  Hmmmmm...would I know?
He:  No.
Me:  Then I don't care.

    So, bottom line, Clyde may be right.  We may actually be in the Matrix.  But, hell, I can't tell the difference.  So, unless a robot comes smashing through my bedroom window, I won't care, either.

    I'll just have to keep my voice down around my toilet.

    I think it's listening to me.  Alex Jones says so.

"Excuse me, what was your savings account number again? 
Asking for a friend. 
And, by the way, would it kill you to dump some scrubbing bubbles in here and run a brush around the rim every so often?"


  1. I used to muse on such things as a child. Looking in the mirror, wondering what if we were just someone's imagination.

    No I don't, because someone being to have such a vivid imagination wasting it on the suck we live in doesn't make sense.

    On a related note, the Bermuda Triangle musing was done at the end of an early 70's Avengers comic book. One character telling another. "We could live out our lives... tell ourselves we really don't care... but will we ever truly know?"

    My answer: Same as yours- if it's close enough you can't tell, why worry? Good Lord, back in your universe you could end up married to Pelosi!

    1. I vividly recall that conversation and my sincere observation that, if I didn't know the difference, I wouldn't care.

  2. Like the Lone Gunmen from the X-Files. All about conspiracies. Hey, if everyone around me is a pod person...well, you're all very nice pod people so I'm good with that.

  3. True about not knowing the difference, then pffft.

    Well if I am in some matrix thing, whoever is pulling my strings must love me, as they screw me enough.

    It's those alligators in the toilet, they have listening devices attached in one of their teeth. Shhhh.

  4. I used to listen to gaming podcasts for a few years, but I don't have the time anymore it seems.


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...