Happy Easter!

    If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'd know that today is Orthodox Catholic Easter.  And you'd know why.  I'm not going to educate you as to its origins.  If you want to know, go back and read my earlier posts.  Or not.  In fact,  you may not even be reading this now.  If not, who am I writing to?
"You think we can get Easter candy on sale?"
"Seriously, Greg?  You're still using that old joke?"
"Not funny?"
"Once.  Now, it's no better than when Al keeps using 'when the moon is in its summer house' joke."

"And Jupiter aligns with Mars!"



    A month ago, I was talking to my wife about the early Spring holidays.  Me, being Roman Catholic, commented that MY Easter happened on March 31st which had something to do with the moon.

"A planet made of gas."

    If you don't know, like I said, earlier posts....

    She, being Jewish, remarked that Passover would be a week after that.

    Ball of gas thing.  Again.

    But,  Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, and others will observe Orthodox Easter today, May 5th.

    I'm not sure who all.  At any rate, it's all Greek to me.

   Then, she told me that Mexico will also celebrate on the same day.

   NOTE:  I swear I said this.

   "Huh,"  I commented, "I didn't know Mexicans observed Orthodox Easter."

    She stared at me and deadpanned,  "Cinco de Mayo."


    So, for those who celebrate that, Happy Cinco de Mayo (it's pretty much an American excuse to get sloshed at places like Las Palmas).

    But, hey, fish tacos, salsa, and Dos Equis.

"Murica.  Ole."

   And to those Mexicans celebrating Easter today, I'm sorry, the chocolate bunnies have either been sold or put up for next year.


  1. Thankfully, I'm not Mexican, as I don't drink on the Lord's Day.

    1. Not even Communion wine? Probably grape juice though, right?

    2. You guessed it. Although I've been mainly an internet attender and usually have cran-grape or Pepsi zero.

    3. Sounds great to me!

  2. They should combine it with St. Patrick's Day, then half the world would be sloshed at once.

  3. I know that there's a Greek island someplace (likely Greece) where on Orthodox Easter the Greek Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church shoot rockets at each other. So, I assume that's happening today? I haven't searched for this in years.

    1. As long as no one gets hurt, that’d be kinda funny!


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...