Today's Bit o' Blasphemy

"Separate checks?"
"Seriously?  Look, Matthew, I know you're a tax collector,
but do you have to squeeze every shekel until it screams?"


  1. I'm more concerned about them all sitting on one side of the table - like they knew a photo op was going to happen... just sayin'... bit fishy!

    1. I explained that to my wife. What kind of painting would it have been if it showed the back of half of them? She (being Jewish) reminded me that the Last Supper was, in reality, a seder. That would explain the lack of BLTs, I suppose.

    2. Fishy I say, definitely fishy.
      Hey - thanks for dropping by my pad - so good to see you're still out here keeping them laughing.
      I vote you do the A-Z, not fair if I gotta go it alone... you know, it's been a while, the old grey mare she ain't what she used to be... okay, truth is I've aged well... like good old Glenfiddich. But still, I shouldn't have to do this alone if you're here... it'd be like drinking alone. Can't have that, can we.
      Cheers, Jenny

  2. I always thought the guy in green next to Jesus is amazed that Jesus ate everything off his plste

    1. File that under "Things I Will Never Unsee." LOL

  3. I'll add to the blasphemy - comedian Eddie Izzard said that when Jesus did the big arms thing, everyone wanted to do it, but he said, look, we can't all do the big arms thing!
    Blessed Easter to you, Al!

    1. Same to you. If you read my NEXT post, I go into "Blasphemy Overdrive."

  4. *wracking brains, trying to come up with something clever to say* Um, hi?

    1. I think you must have questionable mental health to find a snarky comment about a famous work of art. In other words, you're good to go!

  5. Just read an interesting article on the original fresco. Of course, not the place to share right now...

    1. Never the place to share anything remotely intelligent. Lol


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...