Fun With Don

 Orange Jesus Bone Spurs has his bases covered just in case he's convicted and gets thrown in jail where he'll be forced to wear-what else?-an orange jumpsuit...

"If I wind up going to jail, believe me, it will be the most beautiful jail ever created because-very few  people know this-it was my great-great-great-great-great-can you believe how great he was?-great-great-great-great-grandfather, Marcus Aurelius Trump who invented prisons and got the Huns to pay for it, not those loser Parthians who were actually Iranians.*  And, let me tell you, people were dying to get into those jails, which were more like resorts.  With locking doors, shankings, and bed checks."

"Don't forget sodomy."

*the Parthians were actually from Iran.  Yeah, I'm a nerd for knowing this.  And now so do you.  So what does that make you?   Thatttttttt's right.


  1. Oh, I know I'm a nerd. I'm an old-school nerd from way back.

    1. You should see my coke-bottle glasses.

    2. I'm preparing my annual "Yuletide Nerdfest" when I explain to all who are too slow to escape why Christmas is celebrated in December. Holiday fun for the whole family!


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...