The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month


 Happy Veterans Day!

    I know most of you are expecting my typical wise-guy approach (for those of who aren’t, what have you been reading?).  Most of the time I oblige because there’s a lot of the ludicrous in our lives. 

Think I'm wrong?
Bet me.
    This one time, though, no wisecracks, no innuendos, no witty asides (okay, maybe a little).  In a break from my usual “shtick,” I’m going to play it straight and briefly speak on the significance of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

"Yeah, laugh now, but you guys
are gonna be so effed in 21 years.
    On November 11th, 1918, the Germans
surrendered to the Allied powers in the Forest of Compiegne, ending what was then known as the Great War.  Little did they know there would be a sequel.

    But that’s another story.

    The following November, President Woodrow Wilson, noted racist and pompous scold, declared that “Armistice Day” would henceforth be observed in honor of those who had fallen during the “war to end all wars” (kinda dropped the ball with THAT one, didn’t we?).

    After the Second World War (the “good” war, an oxymoron if I ever heard one), the town of Emporia, Kansas changed “Armistice” to “Veterans” Day.  The idea was to honor everyone who had served in the armed forces rather than only those who’d fought against the Kaiser.

    As the years went by, the idea of setting a special day aside for veterans took hold throughout the nation.  In 1954, Congress made the name change official while President Eisenhower called on all Americans to observe the day.  But, surprisingly, it took until 1971 for Richard Nixon to declare it a federal holiday.

"I am not a crook.  Okay, maybe I am."

    In the years since, it’s become little more than an excuse to hold blowout sales on everything from bed linen to used cars (“Buy this Chevy because Patton would have wanted you to.”).  Ceremonies marking the day have been lost in the madcap frenzy of pre-Christmas commercialism.  In fact, what was once a universal day off has turned into pretty much a “federal government employees only” respite.

    I don’t have a problem with this, per se, if it was still recognized for the solemn event that it is.  After all, Veterans Day is much more than sleeping in late and watching Sponge Bob Squarepants in your pajamas while wolfing down a bowl of “Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.”

"Hey, it's a day off.  FU."

    Unfortunately, many people don’t even know what Veterans Day is all about.  While at work several years ago on November 11th, I was flabbergasted when the middle school’s morning announcements proclaimed Veterans Day merely as a “day to recognize older people who had a lot of experience.”

"You hate me because you ain't me. 
Ya'll can suck it."
    What!?  Now I don't wish to denigrate
Grandpa's fly-fishing prowess and, boy howdy, ain't it cool that Great-Aunt Tilly can knit a quilt with her feet, but
c'mon!  Since when is bowling a perfect game the same as launching jets off the flight deck of an aircraft carrier?  Quick answer-it's not.

    As a result, I spent the balance of the day quizzing my coworkers on whether they knew what put the “veteran” in Veterans Day.  Sadly, I was depressed by their appalling lack of knowledge, as very few of them actually understood what all the fuss was about.  But, you can bet your bottom dollar they knew who the contestants were on “Dancing With the Stars.”

    Shocking as it was, I know they weren’t the only ones who had no clue that the 11th of November was different than any other day.  It goes without saying there’s a need to set a few things straight. 

    So, I call on all of us who know better to teach others about Veterans Day.  Urge those around you to take a moment to remember our veterans and those who are still in harm’s way.

    You don’t have to go to a flag-raising ceremony, attend a parade, or even buy one of those “Buddy Poppies” (although I do, because I enjoy talking to those guys).  You don’t have to agree on this war or that war and you certainly don’t have to watch The Sands of Iwo Jima at attention.

    If nothing else, reflect on the service of all those who have worn, and continue to wear, our nation’s uniform.  From Lexington to the Persian Gulf, they deserve our respect and our thanks.

    As a veteran myself, I salute them all.



  1. That is just pathetic. As pathetic as all the pro-Hamas people here in this country. Idiots.

  2. That is the front end of the saying, "Those who don't learn from history..." The other side is coming.

  3. At least around here people kind of know what the day is for. We did get Friday off school. And the principal spoke to the school during announcements on Thursday to remind everyone why we got the day off.

    1. That's actually good to hear. I'm sure my experience was an isolated one.

  4. We have Remembrance Day which is not a holiday and I wish it was. My friend, who is a tea her, says she is glad it is not because the kids learn about the day and go to the ceremonies. Now, my mom was German and her brothers were in the war but were not Nazis. 2 brothers died, one only 13 months and the other at the host recovering from his wounds when he saw the end of a Russian gun.her other brother, after his friend was shot for bei g 5 minutes late back, after getting married . He joined the Resistance and so did my mom. They blew up bridges and tried to halt the German advance. With all she went through, my mom was a big follower of RemembranceDay and felt for the soldiers. My dad was a soldier wounded i the Reischwald forest
    . Soldiers need to be honoured
    I just dont understand the morons who are pro Hamas! WTF? What happened to the many people when the murderous Hamas came is beyond disgusting and the kids here seem to have forgotten that. Just an FYI, I am going g to find the candles and place them in the window in honour of the Jewish people and their faith.

    1. If Veterans Day was devoted to learning about veterans and the folks at home, then I'd be good if it wasn't a holiday.
      Thank you for your support of Jewish people.


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