Here We Go Again

    “I just wish Trump would go away.”

    Just like that, I’ve entered the civil war sure to come between Republicans/Conservatives (not always the same thing) who are for The Donald and those, who while not against him necessarily, would rather anyone else run for president in 2024.

    When I sat down to write another Stuff and Nonsense,  I was hoping to dash off another bit of silliness.  It’s really the type of writing I like to do.  Talking about Xerxes the Great and his stepbrother, Herschel the So-So, makes me laugh.  And, hopefully, makes you laugh, as well.  Or send mental health professionals to my home.

"Dad hated Herschel."

    Then I wrote the above in the cesspool known as Twitter.  

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather comment on Truth Social.  There I don’t have to worry about couching my words so that I don’t get banned.

"You got that, right, pal.  We'll drop you like third-grade English."

    But, Truth Social is an echo chamber for the most part and there is very little interaction.  So, I wander about the asylum which is Twitter.  The loonies there are much more entertaining.

    Anyway, I commented that Trump was a polarizing figure.  Another Tweeter rebutted that statement by writing that Trump is only polarizing because the media and his enemies have made him so.

   I responded back that it didn’t matter why he was polarizing.  The fact remains is that he is polarizing.  And, if Conservatives like me think that, you have to know that there are many others just who believe the same.

   Therefore, I predict a return to the infighting which marked the primaries of 2016.  I won’t lie and try to convince you I was for Donald Trump.  In fact, he would have been my third or fourth choice to face the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua.

    I wanted Ted Cruz to be president.  However, one of the people I worked for as an Environmental Services Associate told me that Cruz was polarizing in a Grampa Munster kind of way.  Yeah, I could see that.  But, to me, Cruz seemed more stable than the mercurial businessman from New York.

You see it.  I see it. 
Makes me laugh. 
Hey, comedy is comedy, after all.

    Those of us who expressed reluctance about Trump-we even compared him to Mussolini-were savaged by  our friends who considered themselves conservative.  It got kind of nasty.  Luckily, we all eventually pulled together.

From 2016.
Yeah, I sometimes tended to wax hyperbolically.

    When all was said and done, I pulled the lever for Trump in November.  I would have preferred the Libertarian candidate, but he was nuts.

"Sheesh, make one mistake about Aleppo and they never let you live it down. 
By the way, where is Aleppo?"

   As far as Hillary?  Good grief, AYFKM?

Speaking of Hillary...word on the street is that she's launched her minions
to visit a pox on the neurotic and brainless.

   In my estimation, the Trump presidency, while certainly not without its share of hiccups along the way (thank you, Schumer, Pelosi, and their likeminded assassins in the media), was a success.  I wasn’t a big fan of tariffs, but I was happy for the most part.  Especially at the gas pump.

    Even though there were times I winced at the almost-slavish devotion of his worshippers (cult of personality has no place in politics) and his sometimes-clownish antics, I wondered if my reticence about him was ill-placed.

    Then, he lost to the incontinent idiot from Delaware.  From that moment until now, Trump has not shut up.  I also believe his narcissistic bombast cost Republicans the open seats in Georgia and, thus, the Senate.  And you see how well that’s worked out for the American people.

"Here's the deal.  You tell that lyin' dog-faced pony soldier
I know where all the continents are.  Even Wakanda.  
Repeat the line."
    If he decides to throw his hat in the ring again (as I’m sure he will), the news cycle will be full of witch hunts, steals, and personal attacks.

    So, here we go again.  In the run-up to the presidential election of 2024 which, unlike in the past, will be the most important election in U.S. history.  A case could be made that the 1860 election was more earth-shaking, but this one will be monumental.

    In the time between now and then, though, there will be people like me who will wish Trump will just “go away.”  And I cannot possibly be the only one.  Still, I’m sure the infighting will often be intense.

    To my Liberal (a word I do not think an insult) friends, I’ll say this.  Enjoy the show.  We’ll get to you  eventually.  Much like I wanted any other NFC team (except Dallas) to go to the Super Bowl, when it came down to it, I pulled for the Rams. 

    We’ll get the band back together after the Republican convention in 2024.

    For the time-being, I’m looking at the governor of Florida to lead us out of this mess.  To me, he has Trump’s skills without the histrionics.  Maybe someone else will jump to the fray.  We’ll see.

"And I'm not orange.  So there's that."

    In any event, I gotta think the Republican candidate will eviscerate anyone the Democrats will throw up.  Unless far too many people think Socialism and big government are the ways moving forward.  In that case, check please?  I want to get off.

     I guarantee this, though.  People like me will be lambasted if we express even a whiff that we’re not “all in” for Trump.  We’ll be accused of being anti-American and refuse to see what he did for our country.  Yes, he did a lot for our country, but I’d like a return to a society which isn’t seething with theatrics and paranoia.

     I can’t possibly be the only one who thinks that.

"Clearly, and can I be frank, Penwasser, or whatever his name is, has lost his mind because anyone who does not worship at my altar has been co-opted by fake news because how could anyone think I should just go away as if my hair, the most excellent hair in the world if I can be honest, would allow me to do that and, while we're on the topic, I think Lyin' Ted looks more like Eddie Munster all grown up, I'm just putting it out there."

Next time:  Back to silly.  My head hurts.


  1. Trump knows Wakanda isn't a continent, it's the bad neighborhood in Chicago.

    1. I just checked. Your comment was in my Spam folder. Wakanda....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

  2. I won't call you that. I also plan to vote for DeSantis. I like his policies and he has a far greater chance of winning. Because Trump is indeed polarizing.

    1. He would cause more trouble than it's worth. Never liked the name-calling or theatrics. Never.

  3. Well, if your side wins, I'll just say goodbye now. Because your side is taking away my rights. I'm already a second-class citizen, but it's just getting worse. It's all about fiscal policy for you, but for me, they want to take away my rights as a woman. And that makes me very angry.

    1. Knowing I won't convince you...The fact that you refer to "your side" tells me that we ARE polarized. In my opinion, this started under Obama and was exacerbated by Trump. Since I presume you're speaking of abortion, not true, especially in California. I would think that an educator would know that overturning Roe v Wade did not outlaw abortion. It returned the question to the states where it belongs. If my state were to vote for unfettered abortion, I wouldn't like it, but I would accept it. FWIW, my governor is proposing that abortion is illegal after 15 weeks (unless rape/incest were involved or the life of the mother was in question). Good grief, if you can't make up your mind after almost four months, there's a huge problem there. Further, if you say an old white man has no business voicing an opinion, I'll remind you that an old white man, in the White House, is expressing an opinion. It's just that you agree with it. All I ask is that you think critically and logically. Don't get swept up in the hand-wringing hysteria from Hollywood and the media. Think for yourself.
      Incidentally, you won't leave. No more than I would check out.

    2. But, many thanks for reading and giving me your thoughts!

  4. Penwusser, Penwusser, Penwusser. *shakes head* The GOP is gonna getcha. Supporting trump, even as a fifth or sixth or tenth choice means being un-American. He's a traitor. A crazy traitor, but a traitor nonetheless. DeSantis might not even be re-elected governor, which would be fine with me.


    1. If you mean traitor when it comes to Russia, I disagree. There's no proof and it doesn't make sense. If anything, Hillary is guilty of that (e.g., bogus Steele dossier). If you mean the Constitution and January 6th, you may be on to something. As far as crazy, I heard Kennedy on the Brian Kilmeade show this morning say, when it comes to Trump, it's not so much as "old," as "crazy." Something to ponder. I think you're wrong about De Santis, but we'll see. Finally, you're 100% right about me being savaged by Republicans who will, at best, call me a "RINO" (despite the fact I am not a Republican) or, at worst, call me un-American. Thanks for reaching out!

    2. Okay hen, like I said, you’re on to something.

  5. I act ually like what you wrote because Trump is polarizing and does not do the Republicans any favours. Many now believe a Republican is like Trump and I think many, like yourself, is not. He should be in jail for what he Incited Jan 6th. What he has accomplished has made this liberal minded vixen think twice about a Republican. That reasoning is not valid because, as you pointed out, he has not helped your party he is init for himself

  6. I wanted to keep blabbering but I am on my small cell phone. I am someone who liked and likes Hillary. I don't think they should have taken away Roe vs Wade because too many states now ban abortion and many girls may take a more drastic route. I am with you, though, that after 4 months, unless the girl couldn't get an abortion before that one is too far along so have the child and place it for adoption. Almost all women try to have an abortion as soon as they realize they are pregnant. Being liberal or Democratic does not mean you are socialist. It confounds me that the richest cou they in the world still charges people for anything medical. All I have to do is have my health card and I can see a Dr. Have an operation, get necessary treatments and it does not cost me a cent! You hear the worst stories in the news how Canadians have to wait years for an operation or hours to see a Dr. While the latter is true if you go to the emergency room by walking in, if you call the ambulance you get right in. I did not wait years for my operation and it was efficient and all went well. Fake news can be everywhere. I just don't understand how people have gone bankrupt trying to save their child because they have a horrible illness where, here, we can get the treatment. This is not socialism, it just the right thing to do. My mom had to deal with communism after the war and she escaped. She knew what socialism was and never understood the psyche of the States when came to this.
    I am with you, Trump needs to go...he never ever talked to the people who lost their spouses during the Jan 6th crap. He will be the Republicans undoing if he gets back in so he needs to go.

    1. We have some common ground, for sure. I personally feel most people do, nuts (on both sides) notwithstanding. Thank you so much for (I don't think it is, but I'll use your word) blabbering. We all need to talk with one another.

  7. This was a dead-on post. I was hoping for Rubio back then, I watched debates and failed to see the popularity Trump garnered almost effortlessly. I was told on twitter that if I was a moderate, I was "roadkill". The only thing I hate more than those who just won't see alternatives are those who feel they should pin a flag to the Cross. I also like your responses to the comments. Do you have to do drugs to keep from getting snarky? I tend to put FB people on snooze when I can't trust myself anymore. I am really considering not voting at all, because there is some question if my vote will be counted or not, or cancelled by dead people or not, and I'm sure after last election both sides will be doing the same stuff. Or maybe I'll vote the crazy libertarian, at least I know they won't bother to mess with my vote THEN.

    1. Rubio was my first choice, then I supported Cruz when Marco began to fade. I don't share this all that much, but I voted Libertarian in 2020.


Youthful Extortion

         I love Halloween.     Yes <<sigh>> I know, I’s a holiday allegedly drenched in Satanic roots replete with a...