Been a While


The Kenderosa

Hi all!

    I know it's been a long while, but I have a good explanation.  I'm a procrastinator  I bought a new house.  Well, new to ME, at least.  The thing was built during the Eisenhower Administration.  Meaning, it's still younger than I am.  

"And I'm dead. 
Which begs the question, why TF am I smiling?"

    What that all means is that I have been extremely busy.  Packing, then moving, then UNpacking (which still has not been completed) has taken up quite a bit of my time.  Not to mention that I have to get the old place ready to be placed on the market.  Cleaning, painting, exorcising demons, you know, pretty standard stuff.

    Just so you know, that's was the plan all along.  Basically, I have access to two places.  Even though, only one has all my stuff in it.

    Sometime this weekend, or early next week, I hope to settle down and write a proper post.  Well, as proper as I can make it.

    Mind you, I still won't be unpacked, but at least I have access to my computer and a chair.  So, I have that going for me.

"Which is nice."


  1. Moving is always a hassle. Hope your other place sells quick before the government messes to much with interest rates and bottoms out the market.

  2. Congrats on the move. It's always such a hassle, though. It's nice you can have both places for a bit. I think that's easier in moving, although not so much on the wallet.

  3. Enjoy! (The new place, not the packing, etc. Unless you're weird like that.

    1. Thanks. I'm pretty tired by the whole process. But, I just sat down to take a break and dash off a post.


Youthful Extortion

         I love Halloween.     Yes <<sigh>> I know, I’s a holiday allegedly drenched in Satanic roots replete with a...