Stuff, but Mostly Nonsense


  My original intention for this evening's post was that it be serious stuff. Goodness knows there's plenty upon which to pontificate. And, even though I know that nothing I write will have any sort of impact on the world, it's still somewhat cathartic to get things off my chest.

    I realize that some of the viewpoints that I will express will rub some of you the wrong way. In essence, more than a few won't see eye-to-eye with me. While I'm convinced I'm right on many things, so it is with you. 

    I like to think I'm open minded, though, especially if presented an argument which is cogent and well thought-out (which is pretty much the same thing). So it is with a mutual debate among friends.

    If you are following me, and especially if I'm following you, we like each other. We may disagree, but there's mutual respect (at least I hope so-don't hurt me). After all, our opinions are merely that... opinions. I doubt there are too many people on Blogger who are society's movers and shakers. 

    Bottom line, I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. In fact, during the last election,, heck, I didn't want to go all serious tonight. There's plenty of time for that. Maybe next week.

"Cancel that shipment of MAGA hats."

"Read that again.  Don't get cocky."

    For now, though...

"Ooh, I know where I'll do my shopping next time."
"Tightey-whiteys 100% off, honey."

Until next time...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well... That was anti-climatic.

    Please sir. May I have some more?

  3. The men's department includes lamp shades? Is that a new trend?

  4. Serious? It's probably better not to. Hard to be serious on a Tuesday.

    1. I'll occasionally delve into the world of serious, responsible (?) thinking, but we'll always have stories about chimps.

  5. Are you suggesting that all the movers and shakers are on twitter? No, Al. It's Walmart, aisle 5.
    You're welcome.

    1. Good to know. I could use new salt and pepper shakers.

  6. One can always be serious and a difference of opinion is what makes the world go around. I am just getting around to visiting after my operation. Now to see your other posts. Glad to see you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm getting ready to dust off my brain and post about a serious issue.

  7. Based on the ^ posts, your new friends seem to be, ah, different. I'm going to assume it's because of the way you contemplate how you might pontificate while you defecate.



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