Sorry, No History Today

     So, you have that going for you.

"Which is nice."
    Due to a family emergency, I was unable to write the latest installment of "History of the World" (good grief, my history of the Hebrews is dragging on forever, huh?).

    Of course, I could have written something earlier in the week and put it on delay, but what do you think I am?  Organized?

    Anyway, I'll be in Maine next weekend on a planned trip to visit the other old bastards from my Navy squadron.  I'm sure we'll bore regale each other with exaggerated tales of derring-do, derring-don't, and alcohol abuse.  Oh, and keeping tabs on Soviet submarines.  I'm sure naptime will be scheduled.  We're not getting any younger, you know. 

You know..."tip of the spear" stuff.
    Since this is a planned time away, I'll be sure to prepare the latest chapter of History of the World early in the week.  I'll then put it on delay, so you'll be none the wiser (you'll also be none the wiser about history once you read the thing).

  That said, I'll "see" you next week when I delve into yet another tale from Sunday School (hey, it's all I got until we get to the Persians).
"Until then, stay groovy.  Babe."


  1. Hope everything is all right now.
    Safe travels next weekend.

    1. All is well now.
      Maine will be a hoot, thankfully.

  2. Hopefully the emergency is over and everything is fine now.

    Nothing wrong with nap time.

    1. Pretty much a circle of life thing which we all will eventually face.
      Naps rule.

  3. Please, no more emergencies! The world is overloaded this year...

    1. 2019 can sure GTFO, huh? Although 2020 is sure to be nonstop lunacy.

  4. Sorry things have gone sideways. I know the feeling. I'm only now digging my way out of the pile I got buried under. I hope you get back out from under sooner rather than later.

    1. It was a quick trip, luckily. Nothing was unexpected. Still sad, though.

  5. Oh no...sounds like you were at a funeral which sucks. The good news is that you will be travelling to visit your friends. I hope you wear the Nehru Jacket and medallions that Sammy used to wear.


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...