Followers Where I Can Get Them

    You may have noticed (perhaps not) that, since my return, I tend to write less frequently here.  Oh sure, I spew (pretty much a correct term) two posts a week.  But, really, it's only one.  The "Sign Language" posts I regurgitate (a more correct term) every Wednesday are all delayed posts and just throw up (an even better term) old pictures that I had laying around in my computer.

    So, in reality, I only write one new post a week.  Even then, last week's offering on ghosts was a repeat of something I wrote several years ago.  I'll avoid doing that, because it seems like cheating, but as I've said in the past, if you've never read it, it's new to you.

    Still, I'll try to avoid doing that.

    I was even considering taking part in this year's A-Z Challenge,
I may repost Xerxes.
Just because he's my kind of freak.
but decided against it.  It takes up a lot of time that I wasn't prepared to give.  So, I may post entries from years past (there's that cheating thing again).

    No, I'm not feeling morose or otherwise gloomy (annnnnnd I've repeated myself).  That is so 2018.  I've put the melancholy parts of my life in the past (don't you love Microsoft's "Synonym" feature when you're writing something?).

A sample Instagram post.
This is the type of comedy you just can't buy.
Nor should you.
    Actually, I'm busy cracking wise on other platforms.  Like I've said in the past, I enjoy myself quite a bit (most times with my clothes on) on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  In fact, I've been posting a weekly video "observations" every Sunday evening.  Because, what better way to celebrate the Lord's Day than with a little bit of Ken/Al?

   My apologies to Robyn, she of the Chosen People.

    All that said, I very much intend to continue on Blogger.  After all, I can't get out of the multi-year lease that I signed (NOTE:  there is no such lease).

    With that said, I don't want to write in a vacuum because that would suck (see what I did there?  Yeah, it's not just on Instagram where you can find this type of thigh-slapping cleverness).  Unlike some Republicans and Rachel Maddow, I am a human being and crave personal interaction.

No.  Not that kind.

    Therefore (we would also accept 'so.'  Love that synonym tool), I use one of the features on Blogger to see who my audience is.  As I'm sure you all know, I can check who's here at this moment and all the way to who (or is that "whom?"  Oh, eff it.) has visited the past month.

    Obviously, most visitors come from the United States,
"Wait.  Aren't you American?"
"Yeah, but I suck so..."
although a fair percentage come from Canada (thank you Pat and Birgit).  Others are from the United Kingdom and occasionally Australia, which makes sense, I suppose, because we share the same language (although Brits call being drunk "pissed."  Which we Yanks routinely do in the corner when we're drun....ohhhhhhhhhhh).  Plus, Batman is Welsh, Superman is British, and Wolverine is Australian.

    So, there's that.

"Pretty funny stuff.  For an infidel."
"Well, clearly, but Penwasser makes me piss my robes."
   But, I also see followers from Germany, Poland, Indonesia, Taiwan and other countries who are wanting themselves a little stuff and nonsense although they probably can't read English.

   The followers I get from China, Russia, and the Ukraine make me a little nervous, I'll have to admit.  Maybe they're looking to finagle their way into our bit of the cyber-world?  Or, some foreign (I know, I know, Americans are foreign to Canadians.  Get off my back, Pat) agent hopes to glean something classified from me, considering the job I once held? 

"Note to self:  never let Lynch drive the boat again."

    Perhaps Communism (or whatever TF they have in Russia and
"Nyet.  He is the shits with the making funs 
of the Barack Bahamas 
and the Orange Julius 
knowings how the winds works."
Ukraine  now) is so sucky, they gain a small bit of solace from this nonsense?

     What gives me the most pause is that some of my followers (or at least visitors) come from what Blogger calls "Unknown Region."  This amazes me.  Is Blogger reacting to a map which is perpetually changing so it's hard to keep up?  Is this Blogger's version of "Oh, f*ck it.  Why go through the trouble of figuring out where these visitors are coming from?  I mean it's not like anybody reads these crappy audience statistics anyway." 
Second Place.
I'll resist a gratuitous joke here.

"And, coming in at #3 this week, 'Unknown Region.'"

    Or maybe, just maybe, "Stuff and Nonsense-A Penwasser Place" is being read in outer space?

    I guess I'd better not post any Martian knock-knock jokes.
    Who knows what offends those people? 

"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Uranus who?"
"Earthlings can't probe Uranus because we don't have one."
"Sheesh, Lou, don't quit your day job.  You suck."


  1. See, what you need is a dog. Whenever I feel like no one's listening, I just post some pictures of Scrappy. People who don't like me anymore like Scrappy posts. If you need to, you can borrow one or two.

    1. I get jealous that they can lick their ba...errr...paws.

  2. Lou might suck, but you don't. Your posts never fail to crack me up. (Then again, I DO have a reputation for laughing at just about anything...) Don't worry about using re-runs from time to time. If the post didn't get much of a response from any of the people who read your blog now, it'll be bright and shiny new to them. If it makes you feel any better, do a quickie "update" on the post before you run it again. That's what I do.

    (Now I'm gonna have to go check to see if anybody (or anything?) from "unknown regions" has been reading my blog...)

    1. You'd be a GREAT audience for a stand-up routine. I keep promising myself to do that one day.

  3. haha beat me to the foreign crack. I had to go check, and yep, 32 visitors this past week from unknown region. Maybe blogger can't tell because they have pants on?

    One's own blog so post what one likes and when one likes, the way I'm going now. Although at this point I've probably seen all your reposts twice or so, but they say memory goes in old age, so they may be new in a few more years.

    1. That "Unknown Region" thing really bamboozled me.

  4. Well, those people obviously traveled to 'parts unknown' and found them.
    Clinton likes Americans that suck. (I know - too easy!)
    The Challenge is way too much for me anymore as well.

    1. If I was smart, I'd put the Challenge on delay. But, when you're a lazy person, things fall through the cracks.

  5. The foreign powers are watching

    ooga booga

    1. So, you're saying I should keep my blinds closed?
      I'd hate for someone to see my naked expressionist danc...oops. I've said too much.

  6. This is my blogger coming from Indonesia, come here to read your article.
    The number of times you write articles one week for 2 times is including good and productive.

    Greetings from me.

  7. waw… I think I come from the un-known region. Because My English is not good

    Have a great day (I enjoy to read your post)

    1. Your English is perfectly fine to me.
      You should see me attempt Turkish.

  8. Hackers. You've got the hackers. They're the ones who routinely hide their info so you don't know where they came from. This might be a good thing?

    1. I've got hackers? Is there some sort of cream I get at CVS?

  9. Ahhh so glad to find you foreigner you:). Who doesn’t love having a fun time reading your blog whether you threw one up from before( sorry) or brand’s still enjoyable.

    1. One of my favorite countries? Yep, Canada. And not just because I can drive there.


Goodbye Columbus

      I love October.       The air is redolent ( 1. (adj)  red-o-lent:  strongly reminiscent or suggestive of. .. t hought this was a good ...