To Blog Or Not To Blog?

"That is the questi...wait.  
What the frik am I doing here?  
I'm a famous playwright.  
And I'm dead."

   I try to take a day or two throughout the week to pay a visit to you all on Blogger.  

    Of course, a few of you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, so you have that going for you.  We call you "Gluttons For Punishment."  Others?  We interact here on Blogger.  We call you the "Lucky Ones."

    Yesterday I read a post from one of the aforementioned "Lucky
"That's what I was going to say.  Hater."
Ones."  I won't mention her name (well, okay, the fact that I said she was a "she" pretty much eliminates half the population. this day and age of gender confusion, did it?).

"Before shoes?  Interesting.  Go on."
    Anyway, anyone with rudimentary detective skills (or knows to put on socks before shoes) can probably figure out who this post came from.

    She was wondering whether to do a podcast to get her message out.  It's a very important message (nothing like the empty-calories crap you'll find here), so I told her that she should go for it.

    But, another thing upon which she puzzled is whether blogging is becoming more passe with the passage of time.  Maybe, she opined, sites like Blogger are giving way to newer, more hip platforms.

    I have to admit that I've wondered the same thing, especially since I've returned to (semi) regularly posting here.

    Over the past several months, I've written/posted elsewhere.  I've
I'm what you would call a "literary playa," yo.
been a regular (some would say too much) on Facebook (itself being accused of being passed by) both as "Kenneth Charles" and "Al Penwasser" (just can't get rid of Al, can I?).  


    I've also been active on Instagram (which often links back to
"Don't forget CHINA!!"
Facebook) and on Twitter (quite often, a veritable cesspool of snarky commentary, left, right, and Donald Trump).

    One thing I've enjoyed doing is creating videos which I post on Facebook Sundays at 6:00.  I certainly don't get paid for these (nor should I), but they're fun.

    You may start to see these here.

I repeat-none of them are bestsellers.  
This is why I do what I do.
    All this, and I continue to write.  I'm up to six books now and have plans for several more.  None of them are bestsellers, mind you.  Still, I like writing them.

    My point, IS blogging going the way of the typewriter, BETA VCR, MySpace, blacksmiths, and ethics in government?  

    I have no plans on stopping blogging again, although my footprint will be reduced (you may have noticed this already, thinking, "Oh, thank God!!)?  I may even see about doing the A-Z Challenge again (do we still do that?).  

    You'll probably see more duplication of effort here, especially if you follow me elsewhere, but I'll still be around.

    But, know this...the high quality nonsense you've come to expect from this blog will never change.

    I'm still waiting for a "Blog of Note" award, after all (do they still do that anymore?).


  1. ha, I haven't seen one of those blog award things in ages. You know it is dying when spammers don't even want you any more. I don't think it will ever go fully the way of the VCR, hey people still use em, gotta love that rewind, but it has gone kaput from what it used to be. Even the cat sees that and a scaling back is definitely on the horizon.

    1. Wow, you're right, no spammers. Huh.
      By the way, I once owned a Beta VCR. The only reason I kept it as long as I did is that the only porn tape I had was in Beta format.
      I may have said too much.

  2. It's reduced, but it's still viable.
    Pat scaling back? The horror...
    I think she (yes, confirming which half of the population) should do that podcast. I know a lot of bloggers who do. And since I am not on Facebook, I welcome you posting yours here!

    1. It has been reduced, for sure. But, I still like doing this. I've found that I post a lot of my nonsensical "streams of consciousness" on Facebook. But, blogging gives me a chance to go on into greater detail. I'm not sure this is a good thing...?

  3. Shakespeare was probably glad there were no bloggers in those days.

    That guy who played Juliet was awful 3 out of 10

  4. I understand all of that. And I'm still waiting for Blog of Note award too. Who does a person need to sleep with to get that honor? Incidentally, they stopped giving the title years ago.
    Happy weekend, friend.

    1. Oh, well, crap. Well, I suppose I should keep writing anyhow. It keeps me sane. And off the streets.
      Have a blessed weekend, as well, good looking.

  5. better to blog, at least you make people happy to read your post.
    exciting and sometimes with humors...

    have a great weekend

  6. I have to correct Pat. I've been getting spam comments about 5 a week for a month now. No links, no "stop by my blog: changing tires for fun and profit", just, "Wow, you've got this blogging thing down can you help me?" claptrap. I just don't get it.

    1. Nothing much happening round here. Then again, when hardly anyone reads, that could explain a great deal.

  7. I dunno for sure, but I don't think blogging is going to disappear any time soon. Those of us who are still here seem to enjoy it for the most part, even if we don't blog as often as we used to.

    (I've been getting spam the past couple weeks, too.)

  8. I think blogging's peak has passed, but it's still around as a form.

    As for spam, I was getting a lot of it, but then I disallowed comments to the one post they always hit, and the spam has been blissfully silent since. Although, soon enough they'll find a different post to hit, I'm sure.

  9. I like the good ole me old don't:) I am just glad to find you here and I am on Instagram too


Politically Correct Christmas

Happy Presidents Day!

  Except Monday. Suck it.             WARNING : The following contains some truths, half-truths, and outlandish points of conjecture.   Stu...